terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013

Letter to a new friend!

May 28,2013


      My name is Eduardo an I"m from Carapicuíba, that's in Brazil. I'm 13 years old. I go to school at Esmeralda Becker.  I have classes from 13:00 to 18:20.  I always have lunch with my friends at the school canteen. Today for example, we had hot dog.  Do you like hot dog?
       After school I like to play basketball with my friends.
So what about you? Write soon and tell me what do you like to do and something about your country too.

Hugs !


May 28, 2013.

Dear President Obama.

My name is Nicolas Nakahodo.My last name is Nakahodo because it is my grandfather's name.
I am from São Paulo ,Brazil it isa Big Town.
I am 13 years old.The name of my school is Esmeralda Becker.My favorite subject is English.
My favorite sport is soccer and my favorite food is pizza and meat. My favorite snger is Luan Santana.
I like country  funk and RAP.


May 28, 2013.

Hello, Daphane!

My name is Winner and I'm from Nigeria, but I live in Brazil . I 'm 13 years old and I have two younger brothers.
I go to school at "Esmeralda Becker", it's a small school. I have classes from 1:00 clock to 6:20 in the afternoon, so I always have lunch with my friends at the school canteen, for example, we had hot dog with chocalate today.
After school I like to use the computer. And I like listen to music:RAP,Rock, country music,etc.
So, what about you?

Alunos da 7.a série C

. Alozie Winner Nmrichukwu
- Eduardo  Almeida Montovani
- Nicolas Nakahodo

Profa.Laura Cotrin

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Congratulations my dear students!!!! I'm very happy with you!!!!
Teacher Laura Cotrim